Field teams
During fieldwork, we work closely with local communities living near our field sites on many aspects of the fieldwork. We train them in various aspects of field research while they share with us their extensive knowledge of the local fauna and flora.
Field teams in Ranomafana, May 2022
Anaid's field teams in Palenque National Park, Mexico. 2022
Field team in Andasibe led by Nancia Raoelinjanakolona & Rindra Nantenaina, 2021-2022
Field teams in Ranomafana 2020-2021 led by Veronarindra Ramananjato
Both Nerée and Manana are research technicians at Centre ValBio research station in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar. They have been working with Onja Razafindratsima since she started her PhD field research in 2010, contributing their extensive knowledge of the local fauna and flora. They are currently overseeing the fieldwork in Ranomafana National Park.