Most of us were on field expeditions in Madagascar and Mexico over the summer. In addition to a productive field season, we also made great achievements in other areas
Highlights (copied from the article)
Looking back at our achievements this semester, here are some of the highlights ... now we're off to fieldwork Awards
PublicationsOnja and colleagues reviewed the importance of regenerating forests for primates in anthropogenic landscapes in this book chapter Others
As we're toward the end of the fall semester, looking back to how this semester turned out, we're happy to share some highlights ... There were some challenges, ups and downs, but overall it was productive.. Awards
![]() Representative sample of the Razafindratsima lab, Fall 2023 at the lab's holiday party, celebrating our diversity with a diversity of food from different countries/regions. From left to right: Jade Tonos, Jessica Stubbs, Anaid Cardenas Navarrete, Kat Culbertson, Vero Ramananjato & Onja Razafindratsima. Some happy news to share from the past few months:
1) Awards:
2) Publications:
3) We recently came back from successful fieldwork. You may look at some of our field pictures here and read about Jade's most recent field update here. More updates soon.. We have a new paper in Oikos examining how space and variation between individual plants affect movement and visitation by frugivores foraging on individual fruiting plants.
We have a new paper in the Frontiers of Ecology and Evolution investigating how differences between frugivore communities at the forest edge and interior habitats of a diverse tropical rainforest relate to patterns of animal-mediated seed dispersal and early seedling recruitment.
We have a new paper in Nature Correspondence discussing the dilemma of African scholars regarding publishing open access.
We have a new paper in Forest Policy and Economics addressing the "need for greater integration of forests and trees in development policy"
We have a new paper in the International Journal of Primatology investigating several aspects of the microhabitat structure that the rufous mouse lemur (Microcebus rufus) might prefer and examining how this structural preference varies across a heterogeneous landscape of forests with different disturbance levels.